
What is whitewaterinstruction.com?

Whitewaterinstruction.com is an open forum with the goal of bringing together different instruction methods in an effort to advance the overall theory of whitewater instruction. Everybody is unique in their style of learning and paddling, and we hope to provide a resource where anyone from a first time beginner to a seasoned veteran can find the information they need to become a better paddler. Along with regular posts on the website, we will compile this information and release it in a series of high resolution DVD’s.

Much of the content already posted on the site is part of a real world creeking instructional DVD filmed on the Green River in North Carolina with instruction by Shane Benedict and contributions by many other Green River locals. Our goal is to take the skills gained from years of experience and present them in an informational and entertaining format. On the drawing board are a Beginner’s Basics project slated for this winter, a collection of every freestyle move imaginable slated for this summer, and a fatcamp project to get us in shape for the fall racing season and basic adventure training.

The Gorilla at the heart of The Green River Narrows

Green River Instruction Overview

When we decided to do an instructional piece on creeking the location for this project was an easy pick. The Green River located near Saluda, North Carolina is a hotbed for creek boat design, creeking technique and creeking talent. With over 20 years of experience on class 5 creeks and just as many years as an instructor Green River Local and Liquid Logic boat designer Shane Benedict will be our point man. He will be assisted by a group of local paddlers including, Mefford Williams, Al Gregory, Pat Keller, Robin Betz and John Grace who combined have ran The Green over 2000 times!

In order to organize the information gathered during this project we have decided to relate one specific skill to each rapid on The Green River. To illustrate the techniques covered more clearly we will using photography both moving and still to clarify each explanation. All of this instruction will be combined in a DVD package combing both instruction and a complete archive of Green River footage due out for the ’09 creeking season. Feel free to let us know what you think!

3 Responses to About

  1. ted says:

    Love the site and good instruction. Thanks to all involved.

  2. whitewaterinstruction says:


  3. John B says:

    Great site, I always enjoy watching the video trailers and getting some better view of how to run a rapid better.

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